Monday, 2 June 2014

Getting that bod for summer!


It seems I will never post regularly this will just be a fact of life 8'D (Maybe I should start vlogging instead? No clue)

Like so many gals right now I am looking at myself in the mirror not being 100% happy with what I'm seeing. Winter weight still has not melted off and what is worse I am back up to my old weight I fought so hard to lose! ;_; This makes me genuinely sad. Like REALLY. But instead of just sulking I'm giving myself a kick up the butt and starting the master cleanse (recipe below) so that I will be all nice and ready to embrace more clean, raw things into my diet after I'm done. The plan is to go on the cleanse, do baby food for a few days and then eat only raw, organic and low fat until dinner~ We will see how that goes, I'm going home in a few days and my mum makes just the best quinoa breakfast patties ;_;

The master cleanse is supposed to last anywhere from 3 to 10 days with no more than 10 days being done a year. I'm planning to initially do 3 days and see how I'm doing, if it will be fine I will extend to 5 days and then do the remaining 5 after Christmas haha. This IS a fasting cleanse, so really if you know you have any conditions that could worsen because of not eating do not even think of attempting this. It is something only healthy people should try and even the healthily active people are encouraged to limit their exercising because of the very low calorie intake. THIS IS A CLEANSE NOT A DIET!  This cleanse is supposed to get rid of all the (literal) shit out of your body. An average person has up to three days worth of food just chilling in their intestines, it's good to clean that out every now an then because of all the bacteria, fungus (yup, you've got that too) and nastyness accumulated over time. The cleanse consists of three main ingredients: lemons, maple syrup (organic, class B) and cayenne pepper.

The lemons provide vitamin C (or ascrobic acid) which is a very important anti oxidant, it takes active part in aiding your immune system and eliminates free radicals. Lemons themselves are awesome for your nails so don't throw away the used rinds straight away, rub your nails into it, it has hardening and whitening properties! <3

The maple syrup provides the needed glucose for energy, it is also a very good source of iron, calcium, zinc, manganese, potassium and sodium (sodium is not actually bad for you, you need it for the sodium-potassium pumps which are necessary for creating action potential along the nerve cells, so without sodium you'd have neurological issues, it's only the excess that's really bad for you as it can actually imbalance the mechanism). You should never swap the maple syrup for honey, because honey does not contain those minerals, it does have vitamins such as B6 and C, but the benefits are much lower. Maple syrup also contains plant fats, which are important in reducing your own fat and the calcium aids weight loss (I can make a detailed blog post about how does that work if anyone would be interested) so it genuinely is better than honey for this purpose. You REALLY shouldn't substitute the maple syrup for honey.

The cayenne pepper is there really only to boost your metabolism. Any peppers do that for a short period of time because of the increased Oxygen consumption they trigger through thermogenesis (that's why you sweat when eating spicy food ;p ), but cayenne pepper in particular has fibre and many vitamins such as vit A, E, B6, C and K.
In addition to these laxatives are to be taken in the evening to get your digestive system working, as no solids pass through for the duration of the cleanse.

People do claim that this cleanse has indeed lost them weight, but you need to remember that you are getting rid of all the weight from your intestines and the sugar and salt induced water weight. You may indeed burn some fat, but that is not the point of this and you should not extend this cleanse for longer than the recommended maximum 10 days a year. Doing that may in fact slow your metabolism down as a very low calorie intake triggers your body to go into starvation mode and conserve literally any energy (which means poor hair and nails, bad skin, feeling really lethargic and cold etc) and store anything that enters your body as fat, so if you carry on for too long and then start eating again you are in for one massive yo-yo effect. This cleanse is supposed to prepare you for a change in eating habits, you get rid of all the shit out of your body and swap it for organic, clean foods which are good for you. A good way to ease yourself out of the cleanse would be baby food as it is all natural and unspiced, clean and healthy and comes in handy 80kcal portions in many flavours <3 If babies can eat it, you will be fine ;p

Remember: Food= Energy. Energy= Life this is a cleanse NOT a diet.

Here is the recipe and some nutritional facts <3

To prepare a day's worth of lemonade, 8 glasses (Do not drink any less than that, or you will feel utterly shitastic because of lack of calories, however you may wish to drink up to 12 glasses)

Juice of 4 lemons (around 48 kcal)
8-16 tablespoons of grade B maple syrup (around 416- 832 kcal)
1-2 teaspoons of cayenne pepper (around 5-11 kcal)
2 liters of water (0 kcal)

Water can be hot or cold. Please adjust amounts to taste and to suit the amount of calories you feel you need. On my first day I'm going with the higher amounts just to ease myself in a bit.

I will be posting a few gal thinspo pics with the summer bod posts to keep myself and anyone who is reading motivated~

And some a bit less summery, but still to die for~ ~ ~

Boney B~

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